Health & Safety Management services
The modern business environment now requires us to absorb information quickly and think logically but creatively. We have many years of experience across different industry sectors and can offer a bespoke turnkey service from initial setup through implementation, certification and beyond. Health and Safety can have a huge impact on your company if it’s not managed effectively.
Health and Safety Management
Health and Safety Management is key to identifying the hazards and risks within any company. The key to reducing these hazards and risks is the successful management of Health and Safety.
Our experienced personnel have implemented and currently support a number of Health and Safety Management systems based on OHSAS 18001 and improved via ISO 45001:2018 throughout the UK.
With the new release of ISo 45001:2018 Health & Safety standard now available we can assist organisations in managing this change. The Big Difference is our Assessors currently complete 3rd party assessments to ISO 45001:2018 across a wide range of business sectors globally and are at the sharp end of the spear in respect to implementation of the new ISO 45001:2018 system requirements.
How well do you understand your obligations under Health and Safety Law?
Many small to medium sized companies do not fully understand their obligations under Health and Safety Law, There are many pieces of Health and Safety legislation, ACOP’s, EU directives that need to be complied with in addition to the Health and Safety at Work Act the UK. Within the UK if an H & S accident or incident occurs the organisation, it’s MD and including its managers, are presumed to be guilty, after the accident, unless they can prove that they took all possible/reasonable steps to prevent it.
An organisation should provide adequate Personal Protective Equipment, install adequate signage, to prevent injury or loss. However these two things do not cover all an organisation in the event of an accident. Indeed it is still not enough even to provide and deliver employee training, (although this helps in establishing “innocence”) ; it must not be possible for the employee to argue that use of the equipment without protection was established custom and practice in the organisation.
Fundamental H & S Requirements
If your company has more than 5 employees you must have a written H & S policy, and every company is subject to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and to a number of other sets of Statutory H & S Regulations, from the “Working at Height Regulations”, to “Electricity at Work Regulations” and the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007″.
The first time that many small to medium-sized companies know of Health and Safety law is when they have a visit from the Health and Safety Executive, after an accident.
We can help you develop your company’s Health and Safety Policy and advise you on improving Health and Safety in general within your organisation.
Migration from OHSAS 18001: 2007 to ISO 45001:2018
The 3rd Party Assessment bodies are currently operating to a timeline to transition from the old OHSAS standard to ISO 45001:2018.
The migration period ran for 3 years. All OHSAS 18001:2007 certificates expired on 12th March 2021. As a consequence All organisations should be working to ISO 45001:2018
The Sinclair Consultancy can assist organisations with any late transition to ensure effective worker participation.